Wellness Adventures
Yoga is a practice of a series of slow movements that target and exercise every muscle in the body, leaving you with more awareness of how you are feeling, both physically and mentally. Learning how to breath deeply through these movements helps to release stagnancies in the body, increases energy and helps to relax built up tension due to stress or negative emotions.
Every human body is different, therefore there is no perfect pose. Within my class, you will learn your own boundaries, and find out what may challenge you, what frustrates you and why, and in the end, discover your yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga works through a set sequence of postures. It focuses on the breath through flowing postures, which enhances core strength, balance and flexibility, helping to improve stamina, reduce stress, and boost energy levels. Linda’s class is based around a sequence known as the primary series, but is altered for the needs of the class.
Keeping the beginner in mind, she also gives alterations for some of the postures to accommodate those who are more experienced, leaving her class open to many different levels.
Throughout Linda's class, the emphasis is placed on developing correct breathing and learning principles of movement which protect and strengthen the body.

Yin Yoga
This class focuses more on relaxation, and is suitable for all levels, for those with long term injuries, for students wishing to enhance their flexibility, and to help to release stress and tension in the body.
Working through the poses slowly, giving you time to find your position of ease, and allowing the body to relax completely, opening joints, tight muscles and connective tissue. These postures will help those with ongoing injuries to bring movement back into their lives, releasing tension around the problem area, stimulating circulation and flushing the tissues that may have developed stagnancies over time. As poses will be held for longer than with most yang style classes, it will help to deepen your normal practice by enabling you to understand how to listen to your body, finding that point of resistance within, and overall extending your flexibility gradually.